When you need to integrate with others systems for automation, PowerShell is your friend. In this session we will look at ways you can work with different types of data in PowerShell that you may need to deal with when integrating various systems. Sometimes there are built-in cmdlets to use, sometimes there are not and we need to look at alternative approaches. We will also cover some gotchas from real world experiences that have caught us out in the past. Whether you are using text, CSV or Excel files, or data from web services such as XML, JSON or YAML we’ll help you get on the right track to being successful with data.

Jonathan Medd (@jonathanmedd) is a Cloud Automation Engineer at Atos. A PowerShell MVP from 2010 - 2019 and VMware vExpert since 2011, he is the co-author of VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference 1st and 2nd editions and co-organiser of both PSDayUK, a PowerShell one day conference in the UK, and PowerShell Southampton.

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19:00 - 19:30: Arrival
19:30 - 19:35: Welcome / User Group Introduction
19:35 - 20:15: Working with different types of data in PowerShell
20:15 - 20:45: Break / Pizza / Refreshments
20:45 - 21:30: Follow up discussion
21:30: Close up