GitHub 01100110 - next steps in GitHub, including pull requests & forking

Chris Murray (@chris18890) returns with a follow up to his GitHub 101 session back in June.

This will be an interactive session. So if you wish to take part and join in with the examples please bring your laptop. You will need Git installed and either the GitHub Desktop tool ( or VS Code using the in-built Git Integration (

Chris Murray: Born 1990, @commat @UlsterUni Graduate, former @UUSU sabb & DSO for @NUS_USI, @FarsetLabs/@SoMakeIt member, Infra Consultant at @hantsconnect.

Click here for the slide deck


19:00 - 19:30: Arrival, and welcome / User Group introduction
19:30 - 20:15: Part 1: Interactive GitHub Session!
20:15 - 20:45: Break / Pizza / Refreshments
20:45 - 21:30: Part 1: Interactive GitHub Session!
21:30: Close up