Introduction to Pester - TDD for PowerShell

Rob Sewell is giving us an introduction session for using Pester to test your PowerShell code Pester provides a framework for running unit tests to execute and validate PowerShell commands from within PowerShell. I will show you can get started using Test Driven Development for your PowerShell scripting. We will examine Pester, the syntax and show plenty of demos and build a function that uses the Microsoft Cognitive Services Faces API to analyse Beards.

Rob is a SQL Server DBA with a passion for PowerShell, Azure, Automation, and SQL (PaaS geddit?). He is a Cloud and Data Center officer for the PASS PowerShell Virtual Chapter and has spoken at and volunteered at many events. He is a member of the committee that organises SQL Saturday Exeter, and also European PowerShell Conference. He is a proud supporter of the SQL and Powershell communities. He relishes sharing and learning and can be found doing both via Twitter and his blog. He spends most of his time looking at a screen and loves to solve problems. He knows that looking at a screen so much is bad for him because his wife tells him so. Thus, you can find him on the cricket field in the summer and flying a drone in the winter. He has a fabulous beard

Click here for the slide deck


19:00 - 19:30: Arrival, and welcome / User Group introduction
19:30 - 20:15: Introduction to Pester
20:15 - 20:45: Break / Pizza / Refreshments
20:45 - 21:30: Introduction to Pester
21:30: Close up